flexiWAN Tests Data Security on 4th Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable Processor
Higher speed SD-WAN and more sophisticated security are driving demand
for higher performance branch office networking; flexiWAN IPsec tests1
achieve more than 10Gbps on a single processor core

Uncover how a leading US bank revamped its network by shifting from a
legacy security vendor to flexiWAN’s versatile SD-WAN solution. This
study covers the bank’s initial network challenges, the evaluation of
potential alternatives, and the smooth deployment of flexiWAN. Discover
how the bank achieved enhanced network reliability, security, and
operational efficiency, enabling them to advance their technological
framework and secure future growth.
flexiWAN Improves Networking and Security Performance with Intel® Xeon® Scalable Processors
Intel lab tests results show that flexiWAN boosts performance for SD-WAN and security services; throughput doubles in tests using a 3rd Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processor-based server. Read this Intel white paper for a detailed description of the tests and the results.

Telefonica and Intel Publish flexiWAN SD-WAN Performance Tests Results on Silicom Device
Telefónica is developing a new software defined wide area network (SD-WAN) service for small- and medium-sized enterprises (SME). The SD-WAN service development is being led by the company’s Global Innovation Unit and is part of a bigger project that the multinational European communications service provider (CommSP) is undertaking to build a suite of SME communications services using open source software.
The Path to SD-WAN - A Technology Report
Author: Sorell Slaymaker
Principal Consulting Analyst & SD-WAN Architect | TechVision Research
Historically SD-WANs represent the 4th generation of Wide Area Networks and totally transform the way WANs are designed and built. Most research to date in this area focuses on the benefits of SD-WANs.
This report does not only cover the value of SD-WANs, but the reality of how and when SD-WANs be used most effectively, architectural approaches and associated trade-offs.
Every enterprise network is unique and selecting and implementing an SD-WAN strategy is a complex process.
Report distributed by flexiWAN, NOT A SPONSORED REPORT
How open source will revolutionize networking
Quoting from Mike Volpi’s article on TechCrunch titled “How Open-Source Software Took Over The World”: “When top companies around the world are polled, few of them intend to have their core software systems be anything but open source.“
Read this overview to learn how flexiWAN is democratizing SD-WAN
More Resources
Amir Zmora explaining about flexiWANs networking applications framework for SD-WAN & partnership with Enea
flexiWAN’s SD-WAN Pricing Explained – Learn about the 3 hosting options for flexiManage
Why using one bloated SW stack for all use cases is a compromise enterprises & SPs shouldn’t make